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Clamp, welding, F-style, replaceable swivel pad, 12 In. x 5.5 In., 1320 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style, replaceable swivel pad, 18 In. x 4.75 In., 1320 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style, replaceable swivel pad, 8 In. x 4.75 In., 1320 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style with grip, heavy duty Morpad, 12 In. x 5.5 In., 2800 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style with grip, heavy duty Morpad, 16 In. x 5.5 In., 2800 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style with grip, heavy duty Morpad, 36 In. x 5.5 In., 2800 lb
Clamp, service part, handle/Morpad/spindle/pin, fits 2400 series
Clamp, service part, handle/Morpad/spindle/pin, fits 4800 & 8500 series
Clamp, service part, Nut & lock ring for 7200 series
Clamp, service part, heavy duty patented MorPad
Sliding arm complete with Morpad 4800s-x
Sliding arm complete, t-handle (GSL/SLV, 27 x 13 , classic profile)
Clamp, service part, spindle only, fits GS30K, 1200S
Clamp, welding, F-style, heavy duty Morpad, 12 In. x 7 In., 4880 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style, heavy duty Morpad, 18 In. x 7 In., 4880 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style, heavy duty Morpad, 24 In. x 7 In., 4880 lb
Clamp, welding, F-style, heavy duty Morpad, 12 In. x 8 In., 7770 lbs
Vise, 8 In., drop forged, pipe jaws, swivel base and anvil included
C-clamp, drop forged, 6 In. x 3 5/8 In., 6900 lb
C-clamp, drop forged, 8 In. x 4 1/2 In., 6900 lb
C-clamp, drop forged, 10 In. x 5 3/8 In., 8000 lb
C-clamp, drop forged, 12 In. x 5 3/4 In., 9300 lb
Total 60 products
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